The journey to reach Mono lake also known as “Triple water” lake was a dramatic experience on its own. The plan was to photograph the famous Tufa of this amazing saltwater lake.

Tufa as seen from the 1st spot / main entrance

The spot was filled with bird watchers at this particular time

The lake is apparently twice as saltier than the ocean. (I took their word for it and did not taste it)

The primary lake life is composed of algae, brine shrimp, and alkali flies, and is one of the most productive ecosystems in the world.
Upon reaching the spot we realised we had to reach the other end of the lake where the tufa park was located to be close enough to access it. Now we had to chase the light, and literally drove like crazy guys as we didn’t want to miss out on the sunset.
We reached the spot I couldn’t believe my eyes. I couldn’t have asked for anything more.

The whole landscape was filled with beautiful vibrant green plants with bright yellow flowers called Rubber rabbitbrush and the not so photogenic alkali flies.( as seen from the car park.)

To capture the magnitude of the landscape I had to stand on a picnic table

The majestic Sierra Nevada mountain ranges

I didn’t want to get off and go anywhere, but I had to.

1st glimpse of famous tufa

It was stunning in its own rights

Surrounded by Big Sagebrush

The Iconic tufa columns
We stood there watching the sunset when a group stargazers started to walk in. I should admit that this was one of the most satisfying sunsets ever.