Gardens by the Bay -Part 1

All right here goes another post from my vacation to Singapore for all you die hard fans!
It was a nice and warm day to hit the Gardens. Now this isn’t just another garden..with a water fountain and a few flowers…mostly plants kind of a thing.
The Gardens by the bay took me by surprise. This place is simply out of the world and to do it some sort of justice I have decided to divide this post in to two parts.
In this part I am trying to showcase the magnificent award winning glass house or should I call it a smart house? Each and every component in this place has been carefully designed and maintained. If you are a nature lover you definitely gotto be here. The place is massive and is divided in many parts. The first place we hit was the Flower Dome.

A place where you can bond with your kids by explaining the various trees and plants from all over the world, although she mostly seemed interested in touching every flower she could lay her hand on.

The cloud forest

The kids and Wife lovveddd it, but for us photo enthusiasts, only one thing runs through the mind-How do I keep the damn mist off my lens!!!! 😉 Nay!it isnt so bad.(or is it?).The planted walls made it a visual treat to walk down the walkway through the Cloud Forest.

Water fall view
Then comes in the Star I would least in my opinion-The Lost world..where a tall waterfall at the entrance refreshes you.

Lost world

Tree top walk