Unbelievable Bali Part 2

Here is the first part, just in case if you have missed. Tegallalang Rice Terraces No visit to Ubud is complete without visiting the rice terraces. This was the main … Read More

Authentic Baati Chokha

In Varanasi, Baati Chokha is considered one of the staple foods with a  cultural significance. It’s been a year since I visited Varanasi and this experience will remain close to … Read More

The Little Yellow Bakehouse

Usually, I would post such articles/pictures in B&W. But this charming little bakehouse had to be in colour as it has an amazing synchronisation of primary colours. (You must have read … Read More

Banarasi paan

Banaras is popular for many things but Paan is synonymous to this place as cheesecake to New York or maple syrup to Canada..There is no street without a paan stall. … Read More

The wedding catering

After interacting with the band I walked towards the busiest corner of the ground with the biggest possible smile. A make shift kitchen. I was in my comfort zone. This was it! The … Read More

Nungu- Sugar palm

This post is a tribute to one of my all time favorite fruit “Nungu” (Asian palmyra palm, toddy palm, or sugar palm).The palm tree is synonymous to the state of … Read More

Dhaka by the night

Had an opportunity to experience the streets of Dhaka with some local friends who helped me find the hidden gems of the capital which would have been impossible to spot … Read More

Lau Pa Sat & Satay Street

Since the day we landed I wanted to taste the world famous Singaporean “Laksa”. Who better to ask than the local taxi driver right?He mentioned that  his favorite place was a … Read More