California ground squirrel Dedicating this post to our four-legged companion who followed us throughout the road trip and did not demand any attention at all. The California ground squirrel! Hide and seek Watch out Home sweet home Enjoying another sunset At Glacier point Why just tourist should have all the fun?! And Thank you! squirrel-2 squirrel-1 squirrel-7 squirrel-6 squirrel-5 squirrel-4 squirrel-3 Birds of California Related Clicks:Chennai!!!Kamala beach, PhuketPursuit of happiness - The conclusion.Anjengo FortTutucorin Salt pansShooting GarlicBanarasi silkMist Falls TrailChalai Market, ThiruvanathapuramGeorgia-The journey continuesJakarta cityscapeLake Manyara National ParkPainted storkHike up to Table mountain