Lake Manyara National Park

The last national park of this trip and I couldn’t have asked for anything better. This short safari fitted on our itinerary perfectly as I had a flight to catch … Read More

Tarangire National Park

Tarangire national park view with elephants at a distance

The safari plan was pretty simple. Three days on hand and three national parks to cover. No research was done nor was there any expectations of specific animals to look … Read More

Unbelievable Bali

So, everyone that thought I was going to start the blog by mentioning how visiting Bali was an impulsive decision -Raise your hands! Lol…Wrong! It was a family holiday, hence … Read More

The Grand Palace

This was probably the shortest family holiday we had ever been on. It was an impulsive decision to jump on to a plane and fly to Thailand. Taking advantage of … Read More

Floating Village

Floating Villages of Siem Reap So, after a tour of the Angkor Wat temple complex, and with ample time on our hands, we were pondering upon where we should head … Read More

Temple expedition

Continuing from where we left in the last posts as our temple expedition continues… Preah Khan The Preah Khan temple represents a large linear temple complex in a dense jungle setting … Read More

Bayon temple

In Siem Reap, Angkor Wat deserves all the attention it gets but there are many other temples which are equally amazing. Ranging from barely distinguishable piles of bricks to awe-inspiring … Read More

The city of temples -Angkor Wat

When I say Cambodia you say Angkor Wat…and you imagine this 🙂 Don’t you? Ok, Now that the most wanted /over photographed /cliche ( But I don’t think so ) shot has … Read More